On Tuesday May 16, the Midway High School Choir Booster Club hosted their annual awards banquet and awarded $4,000 in scholarships to seven outstanding seniors. $500 scholarships were awarded to Devri Almand, Alissa Ayers, Eliana Barbur, Noah Doss, Andrew Joseph, and Wyatt Somers. Additionally a $1,000 Harrell Family scholarship was awarded to Madeline Greener.

Scholarship winners were decided by a committee of booster club members and evaluated students on their academic achievements, participation in choir, and an essay describing how singing in choir has impacted their lives. Read a few excerpts from these heartfelt essays below:
Alissa Ayers wrote… “When I’m singing, I feel free and as though my heart is open and outpouring. It is a feeling like no other. It is a gift, and I will be forever grateful that I was able to develop this skill. Oftentimes I struggle to express myself, but singing has been the vessel for me to express myself unlike anything else. Through my seven years in Midway’s choir program, I have developed a sense of confidence I didn’t know what possible, and I have learned that through music, I will always have a way to express the deepest parts of my heart.”
Andrew Joseph wrote… “In measure 55 of Good Night Dear Heart by Dan Forrest, the tenors have a moment of dissonance held for two beats before they resolve it for another two, until the whole choir sings the final note of a poignant song that reflects the grief of a parent losing their child. The first time the choir successfully completed that portion I realized two things: not only was I going to have a community within the Midway choral program, but also that new chapter of my life had just begun. Being brand new to the high school was daunting, however choir provided a place in which from day one, I was a part of a team, and being part of that team gave me things to talk about with people, and ultimately develop some of the most meaningful friendships I have ever made in my life.”
Madeline Greener wrote…“When I started choir back in seventh grade, I was embarrassingly timid and terrified by the mere thought of performing. All I knew is that I loved to sing. But little did I know this decision to join choir would change my dreams, relationships, and overall trajectory in life. Over the years, I have come out of my shell and blossomed into the person I am today. Someone who loves to sing, perform, and to work hard toward an artistic goal. All of these traits that I have learned over the past four years are applicable to every aspect of life, not just music. Every day is a day to be kind and humble, to work hard and efficiently; to persevere through difficulty. It has been a blessing to be a part of an artistic community that is so encouraging and it has changed my life goals”
Congratulations to these deserving singers!