Safety & Wellness

Safety and wellness are crucial priorities at Midway ISD. To ensure the safety of students, staff, and visitors, public school districts must implement measures such as security systems, emergency response plans, and safety training for staff and students. Additionally, wellness programs and initiatives can promote physical and mental health among students and staff. This can include providing healthy meals, access to physical activity opportunities, mental health support services, and resources for healthy lifestyle choices. By prioritizing safety and wellness, public school districts can create a healthy and positive learning environment for all members of the school community.

Safety & Wellness Programs

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Security / Emergency Operations

District Safety & Security Committee:
The Midway ISD Safety & Security Committee consists of representatives from:

  • City of Hewitt Police Department
  • City of Woodway Police Department
  • McLennan County Sheriff's Department
  • McLennan County Office of Emergency Management
  • Texas Department of Public Safety
  • Federal Bureau of Investigations
  • MISD Board of Trustees
  • MISD Administration

The committee meets in a public meeting forum three times per year to review and guide district policy, procedures, training, equipment, and audits.

Threat Assessment Team:
District administrators, technology department, and SROs work jointly to investigate potential threats to student safety. Tools include cybermonitoring, reporting systems, and investigation techniques recommended by the U.S. Secret Service.

Campus Leads:
Assistant principals from each campus meet monthly to review updated safety protocols and practice responses to emergency scenarios.

Reunification Team:
Midway ISD has established evacuation and reunification sites for every campus. The Reunification Team trains in effective logistics to transport students off-site and to coordinate safe returns to parents.

Counseling Teams:
School counselors are trained to support students in the aftermath of any situation, even scares from false threats. Regional partnerships provide additional counseling support and church partner connections.

Click here for the Parent Safety & Security Guide.

The safety and security of our students is of utmost importance to us. Please remember that, in the event of a campus evacuation, parents will be notified through the ParentSquare system. Secondary students will be notified through StudentSquare. As a result, it is very important that you keep your contact information up-to-date during annual registration or by contacting your campus front office.

In the case of an emergency, please follow all directions from the school. For example, if the school is in lockdown, please do not call the school or arrive to pick up your child. Parents who attempt to come to school during a crisis can prevent first responders from arriving on the scene in a timely fashion and will complicate an already difficult situation. Therefore, it is imperative that parents wait for further guidance from school staff, as the safety and security of our students would be foremost in our decision-making in an emergency situation.

The mission of MISD in an emergency/disaster is to protect lives, mitigate the effects of the situation, fully prepare for various types of situations, respond quickly and effectively to emergencies, and aid in recovery from these situations.

The following items are an integral part of our Emergency Operations Plan:

  • Consistent and ongoing communication and collaboration with local police and fire departments, including opportunities for these entities to train and perform drills on MISD facilities
  • Strong partnerships with local police departments in the cities of Hewitt and Woodway
  • Clear and accurate surveillance security cameras both inside and outside the buildings
  • Secure visitor access procedures, including visual facial identification and ID screening of arriving individuals
  • Emergency alert systems
  • Increased presence of trained police officers, with enhanced response time
  • Primary, alternate and handicap evacuation routes
  • Pre-determined evacuation sites off campus
  • Ongoing training for staff
  • Procedures for staff and students for emergency situations, severe weather, fire, lock-downs
  • Consistent schedule of practice drills including lockdown, secure, evacuate, hold, and shelter drills
  • Administrator knowledge of utility access and shut-off points
  • Safety “go bags” in each classroom with basic first aid supplies, class rosters, flashlight, etc.
  • Administrators trained in FEMA’s National Incident Management System
  • Implementation of the Incident Command System until relieved by first responders
  • Assessment of hazards, with plans to reduce the probability of hazards causing an emergency situation, or lessen the consequences of unavoidable emergencies.
  • Ongoing safety and security audits
  • Regularly scheduled meetings with two committees tasked with school safety and security: Emergency Operations Planning Team and the School Safety and Security Committee (Both committees have trained police officers to provide expertise and knowledge on best practices.)

Tragic lessons in Newtown, Connecticut; Columbine, Colorado; Parkland, Florida, and Santa Fe and Uvalde, Texas have prompted many governmental entities to recommend additional options for staff members to consider when protecting students from harm. Teachers and staff are being asked to take a more assertive role in keeping their students safe and surviving the unlikely event of an "active shooter" situation on campus by considering such options as avoid (escape if you can), deny (locked door, lights out, out of sight, barridaded doors), and defend (create obstacles, distract, be prepared to fight).

“Employing some or all of these tactics requires all parties to the issues of school safety - school administrators at all levels, parents, teachers and other community members - to give careful consideration to a basic conundrum: Freedom and safety are mutually exclusive. Whatever makes a school setting more free, will at the same time, make it more dangerous to its students, teachers and administrative personnel. And equally obvious, whatever makes the school safer will impinge upon that freedom” (Semone & Sokoloff, Sept. 2013, How Safe are Your Schools? National Association of School Superintendents).

MISD thanks you for your support of our security measures as we all work together to ensure our students are educated in a safe environment.

The public is welcome and encouraged to attend the school board meetings.  If unable to attend the meetings, citizens are welcome to read about the board action in the summaries provided on the school’s website.  Minutes are not available or official until approved at the following regular meeting of the board.

During a meeting, there are legally specified circumstances that call for an adjournment to closed session for discussion and consideration. These circumstances include personnel matters, land acquisitions or sales, legal consultation, and student or employee hearings. The board cannot take any action in closed session.
Midway ISD follows national Standard Response Protocol (SRP) and the Texas School Safety Center.

View our Parent's Guide to Safety & Security.
Midway ISD contracts with the cities of Hewitt and Woodway for seven full-time School Resource Officers. The unique partnership with the district and two municipal police departments has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice.MISD's SROs are armed officers who have jurisdiction over every MISD property, regardless of the facility's city limits. Midway High School has two full-time officers and a security guard. Both middle schools have a full-time officer on site. Elementary SROs patrol assigned campuses throughout the day. Because SROs are city police officers, they have all of the equipment and training provided by local police departments.

Health & Mental Health

The district prohibits bullying on school property, at school-sponsored or school-related activities, or in any vehicle operated by the district.  Bullying may be verbal or written expression or expression through electronic means, or physical conduct.  Bullying is not tolerated by the district and any student or parent of a student who believes that the student or another student has experienced bullying or that a student has engaged in bullying is encouraged to immediately report the incident.  Retaliation against anyone involved in the complaint process is a violation of district policy and is prohibited.

Students or parents may report an alleged incident of bullying, orally or in writing, to a teacher, counselor, principal or other district employee.  We encourage you to communicate with your designated campus administrator during this time.

More information about the district’s bullying policy can be found here.

Further information is available in Policy FNF (LOCAL).

Use of trained canines:

MISD utilizes specially trained non-aggressive canines to sniff out and alert officials to the current presence of concealed prohibited items. The main purpose of this program is to deter students from bringing illegal substances to school. However, it also serves as a minimally invasive way of keeping our students and staff safe. The dogs will help MISD officials to locate and remove contraband from campuses.

During random/unannounced campus visits, the dogs will sniff the air around lockers, gym areas, restrooms, vehicles, vacated classrooms and school grounds as they search for potential contraband items. Before a classroom is checked, students will be asked to exit the classroom (for 5 to 8 minutes) while school personnel accompany the canine team. With an administrator or teacher present, the canine team will sniff the interior of the room including the air around any belongings left behind. This includes backpacks, purses etc. MISD policy precludes the use of their dogs sniffing any student, employee, visitor or anyone else while on district property or at any district event. The canines are friendly and non-aggressive.

If contraband of any kind is found, the possessing student shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.


MISD requires drug testing of any student in grades 7-12 who chooses to participate in school-sponsored extracurricular activities. Students are subject to random/unannounced drug testing. The purpose is to deter student use of drugs, and help enforce a drug-free educational environment. Up to 30% of the students may be randomly selected for each random test date. The drug-testing laboratory utilizes a random selection method to identify students chosen for random testing.

What You Need to Know:

While Midway ISD has not encountered any cases of fentanyl on any of our campuses, it is still important for families to be aware of the dangers posed by this drug.

Fentanyl poisoning can be deadly and is preventable. Fentanyl is a man-made narcotic that has a legitimate medical use under the supervision of a licensed medical professional. However, illegally manufactured fentanyl comes in many forms and is extremely potent; even the smallest amount can be fatal. It is often added to other drugs and fake pills that look like pills from a pharmacy and can even look like candy. Most of the time, an individual has no idea they are taking fentanyl.

What You Can Do:

Please take time to review information about fentanyl with your children. It's crucial to have an open and honest conversation about the dangers of drug use, emphasizing that even one pill can be fatal. Remind them never to consume any medication that wasn't prescribed by a doctor or obtained from a pharmacist. Stay vigilant and monitor your student's behavior, including their social media activity, for any signs of drug use. Early detection can help prevent potential tragedies.

What Midway ISD is Doing:

Although there have not been any instances of fentanyl in the district, Midway ISD is fully prepared to respond to emergencies. Narcan (Naloxone), a life-saving medication capable of reversing opioid overdose, is stocked on all Midway ISD campuses. Our staff members are trained to administer Narcan effectively in case of an emergency.

Midway ISD also hosts parent nights each year, providing resources on safety and wellness topics, and proactively educates students on each campus about substance use prevention.

Learn More:

A critical component to a healthy life is nutrition. According to Feeding America, "In the US, more than on out of five children lives in a household with food insecurity, which means they do not always know where they will find their next meal." Hunger Free MISD exists to provide nutritious food items over the weekend for students from households that may be experiencing difficulties, including food insecurity. For more information, visit the Hunger Free MISD page.
The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) sets immunization requirements. Students must show acceptable evidence of vaccination prior to entry, attendance, or transfer to a public elementary or secondary school in Texas. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child's school nurse. View Immunization Requirements.
MISD strives to follow medical guidance from medical authorities such as the Waco-McLennan County Health District, Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as recommended by local physicians and representatives serving on the Midway ISD Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC).

MISD's Covid procedures align with efforts to prevent and respond to any contagious illnesses.


Prevention of contagions includes hygiene encouragement, provision of hand sanitizer, tissues, and hospital-grade cleaning supplies.

The role of parents is important in monitoring symptoms of known illnesses. Do not send your student to school sick. Students must be 24-hour fever-free without medication, as well as 24-hours without vomit or diarrhea.


Campus nurses can coordinate with parents to advise return-to-school dates. Nurses can also facilitate virtual doctor visits via Goodside Health, including some opportunities for on-site testing.

Midway's custodial department plays a crucial role in sanitation efforts, including full-room disinfection spray in areas of outbreak.

The Jason Foundation has been adopted as the main curriculum used in Midway ISD’s overall suicide prevention programing. The Jason Foundation is dedicated to the prevention of the “Silent Epidemic” of youth suicide through educational and awareness programs that equip young people, educators/youth workers and parents with the tools and resources to help identify and assist at-risk youth. More information can be accessed on their website: The Jason Foundation, Inc.

If you are experiencing a crisis, help is available. Call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text “Jason” to 741741.

Why talking about suicide is important:

  • For middle and high school age youth (ages 12-18), suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death. (2011 CDC WISQARS)
  • For college age youth (ages 18-22), suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death. (2011 CDC WISQARS)
  • Over-all, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for our youth ages 10-24. (2011 CDC WISQARS)
  • Each week in our nation, we lose approximately 100+ young people to the national health problem of suicide.
  • 2013 - CDC Youth Risk Behavioral Survey:
  • Over One out of Six of our nation’s youth (17%) seriously considered suicide in theprevious twelve months.
  • Almost One out of Seven young people (13.6%) actually made a plan to attempt suicide in the previous twelve months.
  • Over One out of Every Thirteen young people (8%) reported attempting suicide one or more times in the past twelve months.
  • Firearms remain the most commonly used suicide method. Suffocation / hanging and poisoning have seen dramatic increases recently.
  • Four out of Five teens who attempt suicide have given clear warning signs.
  • More than 90 percent of people who die by suicide have demonstrated risk factors such as depression, other mental disorders or a substance-abuse disorder (often in combination with other mental disorders).
  • Suicide is one of the LEADING causes of PREVENTABLE death in our nation today.