Spring Valley Elementary

Welcome to 

Spring Valley Elementary

At Spring Valley, we welcome students into a loving and inclusive community that encourages positivity, collaboration and innovation. Our students are educated in a forward-thinking environment that is focused on the social, emotional and academic needs of each child.

As a family-oriented community, we enjoy partnering with parents to ensure student success at all levels of learning. Our teachers and staff are committed to finding the most effective ways to meet student needs in a safe and supportive environment. We take pride in our work and invest in our students by making learning our top priority!


Campus Information

Campus Contacts

Kappy Edwards
Phone: 254-761-5710
[email protected]

Lauren Dunlop
Assistant Principal
Phone: 254-761-5710
[email protected]

Danice Johnson
Campus Secretary / Campus Title IX Coordinator
Phone: 254-761-5710 ext. 6150
[email protected]

Alecia Harp
Principal Secretary
Phone: 254-761-5710 ext. 6151
[email protected]

Amanda Headrick
Phone: 254-761-5710
[email protected]

Tricia Wood
Nurse, RN
Phone: 254-761-5710 ext. 6152
[email protected]

*Parents and Guardians can view the complete staff directory in ParentSquare.

Bell Schedule

Front door opens at 7:00 a.m.
Classes begin at 7:40 a.m.
Classes dismiss at 3:10 p.m.

Early Release Time
On early release days classes dismiss at 11:45 a.m.